Wednesday, 24 October 2012

How To Keep A Reader Entertained

There's a big difference between writing and talking. When you talk,
you have the ability to hypnotize me with your voice or your eyes. It
doesn't work like that when it comes to writing. The only thing that
can keep me (the reader) interested in your website; is the way you
use your words. There's nothing more interesting than words. A reader
needs to feel what you wrote. He/she needs to live in your shoes while
in the process of writing your content; and your content needs be


If you choose to write your own content, you have to know the basics.
First of all; your content has to be unique. No one can laugh at the
same joke twice. You should keep that in mind before you loose your
first reader. Secondly; your content has to flow like you know what
you are talking about. As a reader; I need to be convinced of
everything you have written in your website. If I have doubts about
the information you provide. I won't come back for round 2. Your
content needs to tell a story.


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