Thursday, 25 October 2012

How To Keep A Reader Entertained Part II

The most important factor that can either keep nor loose a reader is
the spelling. It doesn't matter how good your story is; it doesn't
matter how interesting your content is, as long as a reader keeps
correcting your spelling with his/her mind, they can never trust your
words. How will you convince me to buy your product if you can't even
spell? I understand you are human, and I also understand that mistakes
happen but still, I can't trust you. That's the whole point of writing
content in your website; to gain my trust, isn't it? Just make sure to
always double check your spelling.


On most occasions, an internet user such as yourself lend in a certain
website with exceptional words which includes few tips you could use
every now an then. As an internet user; if I read an article and the
article seems unending, I loose interest. I don't have time to read
the whole book just to learn one lesson. Too much information on a
single page is clearly a bad idea. If the content was shorter, maybe a
user would click few buttons to check if there was more to read. A
single page should never include more than 500 words. No one has time
to read all that.

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