Monday 22 April 2013

The Implementation of Favicons

As a web designer, you need to know exactly how to design a favicon.
The first question that should always come to your mind is... What's
the use of implementing a favicon? It's quite simple when you think about it; Icons are importanticons are the ultimate reason for those re-visits your get from those who happens to lend in your website. 


As a web content writer; I do a lot of research, which requires me to
save pages or bookmark a website for later usage. After saving a web
page, I can go on and do some more research. Later when I return to
view my saved pages; the only way to differentiate between those
pages I've saved up, is through favicons. If those pages had no favicons, it would be twice as hard to find previously saved information.


The thing Is... you already have a favicon. That logo of yours is a favicon itself. What you need to do right now is to convert it to a smaller size (16x16) for it to be recognizable to any type of web browser. It’s either you create it yourself or use a favicon generator online. The file name of your favicon should always be 'favicon.ico'.

WHERE TO LOCATE A FAVICON? You must always put your favicon in the same folder as your index page. That way it can be viewed directly inside the address bar. A user will recognize it next to your URL. A great example is Technard.

Bernard Mamabolo
Mobile - 0792835062
Email -

Click to view one/both of my websites!
elnecto designs

Saturday 1 December 2012

The Catalyst Of A Website

While we are still on search engine optimisation. We need to discuss
one of the original SEO implementations practised in a website. That
original event is called a forum. I'm sure you are wondering if it's
really necessary to have a forum in your website. The answer to that
question is YES, you do need one.

A forum is more like a catalyst. You website will work exceptionally
well without a forum but it will work much better with a forum. As we
all know, every business has a customer and it's not that simple to
convince more customers to believe in your product unless they heard
it from a satisfied customer. A forum can create that platform for
your customers to interact with each other.


Unlike any other customer relation management system. A forum is
independent. It doesn't relay on the owner to keep it up to date, just
about any customer can start a topic, or ask a question about your
services and this kind of interaction can go on for decades. The only
down fall about a forum is the unpredictable critic you may get about
your services, and this can be harmful to your business. I suggest
blogging as a customer relation system just because you can delete
critics and keep your website peaceful.

A blog is not that different to a forum. The only thing that sets them
apart is the fact that a blog needs regular updates from the owner.

Monday 12 November 2012

Optimizing Images For Search Engines

Images are valuable, images are relevant and they can bring traffic to
your website. When I say traffic, I mean more visitors to your site.
As a web content writer/designer, you may know what traffic is and how
important it is to have traffic, but someone out there doesn't know
that. The success of a website depends on the optimizations practised
within a website. In this case, images are optimized for SEO Purposes.


The first rule of optimizing an image for SEO purposes is to name the
image. Search engines can find an image only if it's named according
to its description. If you have an image of a blue sky, name that
image blue sky. Don't name it image5, even if it's easy to remember,
search engines won't recognize it. The second rule is to write an alt
tag. Just to be safe, the alt tag and the name of the image should
have the same name.

The purpose of optimizing this images is to enable a user to find your
website or web page even if they perform an image search.

Thursday 1 November 2012


There's nothing better than a beautiful image to enhance the look of
your website. It's been said that a book without pictures is as boring
as the author who wrote it. It's not different to a website. A picture
can make a boring website look cooler, but there are limits towards
the use of pictures.


In a website or a web page, you cannot put a picture any where it
suites you. You have to think of a way to make a picture likable, not
too destructive to the content. Pictures are important but not if they
hold more attention to the visitor than the content.


If the main point of your website is to get visitors to buy insurance
online, don't put a picture of a kid playing soccer. What does a kid
playing soccer has to do with buying insurance? Exactly, nothing.
Rather put a picture of a very expensive car rolling down a cliff.
That's relevant to insurance. Images are more attractive to a visitor,
only when they are relevant to the topic. You can also use images for
search engine optimizing purposes. The SEO image lesson is covered on
the next post.

Sunday 28 October 2012

The Use Of Fonts On A Website

As a web designer, you need to have an excellent eye for small
details. Something as little as a text size or a font colour has the
ability to impact the contents of your website, either negatively nor
positively. Most of the time I come across websites where I find the
contents way too difficult to read. It's either the text is too small
or the font colour is too bright. No one has the patience to go
through a paragraph one word at a time. As a web designer or a web
content writer, you need advanced knowledge on the use of a font


For you to be able to use a font family. CSS needs to come into
action. It's important to know the aspects of using cascading style
sheet(CSS) to enhance your website. Using a font family enables a
designer to include a back-up font to maintain the look of your
website. If a client's computer is incapable of reading Arial fonts,
possibly it can read serif or Times Roman. This is the main reason why
the use of a font family is so important.

Using a variety of fonts all over a single web page is extremely
irritating to a reader. Don't use more than 5 different fonts on a
single web page. A reader should never struggle to find the main point
of your web page. Always make relevant words easier to find.

Thursday 25 October 2012

How To Keep A Reader Entertained Part II

The most important factor that can either keep nor loose a reader is
the spelling. It doesn't matter how good your story is; it doesn't
matter how interesting your content is, as long as a reader keeps
correcting your spelling with his/her mind, they can never trust your
words. How will you convince me to buy your product if you can't even
spell? I understand you are human, and I also understand that mistakes
happen but still, I can't trust you. That's the whole point of writing
content in your website; to gain my trust, isn't it? Just make sure to
always double check your spelling.


On most occasions, an internet user such as yourself lend in a certain
website with exceptional words which includes few tips you could use
every now an then. As an internet user; if I read an article and the
article seems unending, I loose interest. I don't have time to read
the whole book just to learn one lesson. Too much information on a
single page is clearly a bad idea. If the content was shorter, maybe a
user would click few buttons to check if there was more to read. A
single page should never include more than 500 words. No one has time
to read all that.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

How To Keep A Reader Entertained

There's a big difference between writing and talking. When you talk,
you have the ability to hypnotize me with your voice or your eyes. It
doesn't work like that when it comes to writing. The only thing that
can keep me (the reader) interested in your website; is the way you
use your words. There's nothing more interesting than words. A reader
needs to feel what you wrote. He/she needs to live in your shoes while
in the process of writing your content; and your content needs be


If you choose to write your own content, you have to know the basics.
First of all; your content has to be unique. No one can laugh at the
same joke twice. You should keep that in mind before you loose your
first reader. Secondly; your content has to flow like you know what
you are talking about. As a reader; I need to be convinced of
everything you have written in your website. If I have doubts about
the information you provide. I won't come back for round 2. Your
content needs to tell a story.
