Saturday, 1 December 2012

The Catalyst Of A Website

While we are still on search engine optimisation. We need to discuss
one of the original SEO implementations practised in a website. That
original event is called a forum. I'm sure you are wondering if it's
really necessary to have a forum in your website. The answer to that
question is YES, you do need one.

A forum is more like a catalyst. You website will work exceptionally
well without a forum but it will work much better with a forum. As we
all know, every business has a customer and it's not that simple to
convince more customers to believe in your product unless they heard
it from a satisfied customer. A forum can create that platform for
your customers to interact with each other.


Unlike any other customer relation management system. A forum is
independent. It doesn't relay on the owner to keep it up to date, just
about any customer can start a topic, or ask a question about your
services and this kind of interaction can go on for decades. The only
down fall about a forum is the unpredictable critic you may get about
your services, and this can be harmful to your business. I suggest
blogging as a customer relation system just because you can delete
critics and keep your website peaceful.

A blog is not that different to a forum. The only thing that sets them
apart is the fact that a blog needs regular updates from the owner.

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